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Come celebrate the Museum’s first ever collaboration with the North Bennington Outdoor Sculpture Show before the sculptures go away! Between 3 and 5 p.m. on Saturday, October 24, come enjoy a PBR (Pabst Blue Ribbon, an NBOSS tradition, donations welcomed), speak with some of the artists about their work, and enjoy the glorious autumn season walking amidst the forest, meadow, and brook on the museum’s property, all while encountering engaging public art. Jamaican food will also be available in the Museum’s courtyard courtesy of R & D Island Taste. Popular local DJ “Dr. Paine” will be on hand to provide upbeat ska, reggae, and other dancehall favorites for the occasion.

The North Bennington Outdoor Sculpture Show (lovingly known as NBOSS-pronounced “N”-Boss) has been one of the premiere arts event of the summer/fall season in our region for the last 23 years. It features work by some of the best artists from southern Vermont and throughout the northeast. This year Bennington Museum has been pleased to host NBOSS at the Museum, featuring 20 sculptures by 18 artists installed across our beautiful 10-acre property in Old Bennington. The show will be on view through November 2. Come check it out before many of the sculptures begin their winter hibernation.

This is an all weather event!