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Join us for a Monument Society Event!

Tour the Vermont Marble Museum (1:30pm)

The Museum’s historical exhibits include early photographs, samples of many products and is rich with information about the evolution of the marble industry. Learn about owners, investors, innovators and the hard working people that quarried and moved huge slabs and produced everything from Supreme Court pillars to gravestones.

Explore Wilson Castle (3:30pm)

Caretakers believe there is both a portal and a vortex on-site, which means many spirits can come and go as they please. This makes it a huge hotspot for paranormal activity, and a perfect kickoff to the Halloween season at Vermont’s only real castle.

Dine at Roots (5:30pm)

Open and Free to all Monument Society members
(total of 2 people per membership)

A shuttle is available from Bennington Museum leaving at 12:15pm.
The shuttle is limited to 14 people on a first come first serve basis!

Advance reservations are requested by October 1