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Saturday December 2, 2023 is Family Day at Bennington Museum!


$5 per person for everyone!
Whether you’re an adult, a member, a child, Santa Claus, or anyone else, admission is $5. Your $5 contributes to our annual year-end fundraising to support programming in the coming year.

Kids 17 and younger can get in free IF…

…they bring an item to donate to this year’s Family Day Donation recipient, Bennington County Open Arms. Here are some suggested items:

Dish Soap
Trash Bags
Paper Towels
Laundry Detergent
Bathroom Spray Cleaner
All-Purpose Spray Cleaner
Full-sized (not samples) Shampoo and Conditioner
Shower Curtain Hooks
Curtain Rods that DO NOT require nails or screws

Children’s Shopping Boutique

Children ages 5 to 12 are invited to browse the selection of new and gently used items, all priced from $1 to $12, with the assistance of our Shoppers’ Helpers. Adults help their children write our gift tags and set their shopping budget, then hang back while the kids do the shopping. Gifts are wrapped before the children reunite with their grown-ups, so everyone can be surprised when it’s time for gift exchange! Cash only, please!

Reservations are highly recommended! Walk-ins will be accommodated as openings in the reservation schedule become available.

Bake Sale

Our volunteers have been hard at work, baking treats for you to enjoy while waiting for your shopper or to bring home. All items are available for a donation of your choice. Cash only!

Visit with Santa and Mrs. Claus, 1:00 – 3:00

Santa and Mrs. Claus will be in the Grandma Moses Schoolhouse from 1:00 – 3:00. There is no charge to visit with Santa! Remember to bring your camera!

Craft Activities, 10:00 – 4:00

This year’s Family Day theme is Vermont Rocks, in anticipation of our major summer/fall exhibition next year. We’ll have craft activities including rock painting and pet rock making, all at no additional charge. Craft activities take place in the Pottery Gallery.

Classroom Creations

Area classrooms received wooden Vermont-shaped boards and the theme, Vermont Rocks! The rest was up to them. See how 16 different classrooms interpreted the theme and buy your $1 tickets to try to win your favorite! Winners will be drawn on December 18th and all proceeds support our educational programs for kids in kindergarten through high school.

All That Glitters

Don’t miss the exhibition of artwork inspired by Vermont’s Mineral Wealth on view in our two changing exhibition galleries on the 2nd floor. All artworks are available for purchase via closed-bid auction. Find out more on the exhibition page.